Welcome to Little Bit Of Sole

Holy sh*t it's live! Welcome to my very first blog post! I'm so excited to share Little Bit Of Sole with you. For me this moment has been a long time coming. I really wanted a space to document my running journey including the highs, lows, ugly cries, and tears of joy. A space to inspire maybe just one person to believe in his or her self a little bit more. A space that is filled with so much positivity that you can't help but feel a little bit better.

I'm not going to pretend that I'm a writer... Little Bit Of Sole is my voice, my outlet, my soul. Vulnerability will be dripping on every last punctuation mark. Yes my sentences will read like a third grader, but I'm okay with that. Yes I will most definitely have typos and grammatical errors. See one? LET ME KNOW! In a world filled with internet trolls, I get that there will be some haters. But guess what?! This website isn't to please you. It's for me. It's for me to look back and see how I've evolved as a human, a runner, a woman, a fur mama, a...

Did I scare you off yet?! Oh good, you're still there! Phew! But in all seriousness, welcome to this new chapter of mine. Welcome to a space where you are accepted for who you are today. Welcome to a space where you may have an opportunity to grow. Welcome to a space where I lay my heart and soul on the line. Welcome to Little Bit Of Sole

my Chihuahua, Little Bit and me

my Chihuahua, Little Bit and me